Post-Graduate Studies and Research Sector

  1. About
  2. Regulations of Post-Graduate Studies 2018-2019Dear post-graduate Students

1. About

You are cordially welcomed at the department of post-graduate studies and research; a department that seeks to lead you through the exact path for becoming a prestigious faculty professor. Please learn about the diplomas, masters and Ph.Ds degrees which Faculty of Arts confers to both its graduates and their peers from other different faculties in multiple majors.


First: Post-Graduate Diplomas:

Admission Prerequisites:

● A post- graduate applicant must have an accredited bachelor's degree from an Egyptian university or an equivalent degree from any other academic institute validated by The Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.

● Duration of study for non- qualifying diplomas is one academic year, while it is a 2- year study for preparatory diplomas.

● Here is a list of the post-graduate diploma programs which are offered by the different departments of the faculty:

  • Professional Diploma in Interpreting, Consecutive and Written Translationfrom department of English Language and Literature.
  • Professional Diploma in Simultaneous, Consecutive and Written Translationfrom department of French Language and Literature.
  • A Preparatory Diploma in Rural Developmentfrom the department of Sociology.
  • Diploma of Industrial Sociologyfrom the department of Sociology.
  • Clinical Psychology Diplomafrom the department of Psychology.
  • Industrial Psychology Diplomafrom the department of Psychology.
  • DiplomainDocumentsfrom the department of Documents and Libraries.
  • A Preparatory Diploma in Librarianshipfrom the department of Documents and Libraries.
  • A Preparatory Diploma in Informationfrom the department of Mass Communication.
  • Political Philosophy Diplomafrom the department of Philosophy.
  • A Preparatory Diploma in Tourism Guidancefrom the department of History.




General Evaluation Mechanisms:

  1. All diploma exams are to be held in a written form. Each exam in any curriculum is a 3- hour exam. The full mark for each subject is 20 marks.
  2. Attendance in classes is a prerequisite for students so as to be allowed to sit the final exam. Students with less than 65% of attendance of all classes for each subject will be deprived of sitting the final examination.
  3. Diploma's exams are held in each May of every academic year, and the second round is set in September of the same academic year.
  4. In case the student doesn't get the pass mark in one or two courses, he can go through another exam in these same courses in September roundof the same year.
  5. In case the student doesn't get the pass mark in more than two courses, he has to sit the exam in all subjects in the next academic year (May round).

Noticethat students are not allowed to take the test if more than 2 academic years' interval since their first enrollment in the diploma has passed.

The following grading systemis used at the Faculty of Arts in all courses of the designated diplomas:

     [Excellent] greater or equal to 90%.

     [Very Good] equal to 80% till less than 90%.

     [Good]equal to75% till less than 80%.

[Pass] equal to 70%till less than 75%.

Students' failure in passing such exams is declared as the two following pass ratings:

     [ Poor] equal to 50% till less than 70%.

     [Very Poor] if less than 50%.

Second: Master's Degree in Arts:

General Requirements and Regulations:

  1. Admission to a preliminary year for a master's degree in arts requires successful completion of study at bachelor degree level, estimated with no less than [Pass] grade certified from one Egyptian university or an equivalent grade no less than [Pass] from any other academic institute accredited from Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.
  2. Graduates with bachelor's degree with honors are exempted from all the preliminary year course study.
  3. A preliminary year for master's degree is a one-year course study.
  4. If attendance in each subject's sessions is less than 75%, student is not allowed to sit the final exam of the preliminary year for master's degree.
  5. Final exam of the preliminary year for master's degree is expected to be yearly held in May and the second round will be in September of the same academic year.
  6. Student has to score no less than 70% of the total grades of each course study in order to be counted as successfully passing that course.
  7. In case of failing in the exams of one or two subjects, student has the chance to repeat the exam of those same subjects in September round of the same academic year.
  8. However, if he fails in more than two subjects, he has to repeat the final exams in all subjects of the curriculum in the next academic year (May round).
  9. Student is not allowed to do the final exam of the preliminary year if it is past two academic years since his first enrollment.
  10. Duration of the written exam of each course of the preliminary year syllabus is 3 hours.
  11. Total score in each subject is 20 marks in all faculty departments.
  12. Asthe course professor suggests and after getting faculty board's approval, the department council can assign for the students a task of doing a research paper in one of its specified academic courses, to which only a quarter of the total score of the final exam is designated.
  13. After getting the required score in the exam of the preliminary year, the student has to submit a thesis in a research topic that was accepted beforehand by the department council and in accordance with the approval of the university board of post-graduate studies and research in no more than one year since the date of the faculty council's approval of the registration of such research topic.
  14. In accordance with all the regulations of Universities Organizations Law and its Executive Rule and other valid decisions concerned, a supervising professor or a committee will be selected.
  15. Duration of the enrollment for a master's degree should not exceed 5 years and faculty board has the authority to give the student a 2-year- extension only because of coercive reasons that are accepted by the council as based on both the supervisor's report and department council's validation.
  16. The selection of the viva is based on the legal conditions that are authorized in Universities Organization Law and its Executive Rule.
  17. The viva voce for master's degree should be held in public and student with pass degree as a result of his viva verdict is not permitted to submit for enrollment for Ph.D. degree.
  18. After submitting the examining committee's verdict to the department council and post-graduate committee in the faculty and faculty board respectively to be validated and then proceeds to the council of university post- graduate studies andfinally to the university board in order to be officially conferred master's degree.
  19. Master's certificate should indicate the major in which the candidate specifies and the topic of his master thesis and the rank which he has been granted.

Master's degree in Arts is awarded in one of the following ranks:

     ♦ Master's degree in Arts with Excellent rank.

     ♦ Master's degree in Arts with Very Good rank.

     ♦ Master's degree in Arts with Good rank.

     ♦ Master's degree in Arts with Pass rank.

The followings are the master's degrees that are awarded by the faculty and university in different majors:

1- Department of Arabic Language and Literature:

     ● Literature Branch.

     ● Linguistics Branch.

2- Department of English Language and Literature:

     ● Literature Branch.

     ● Linguistics Branch.

3- Department of French Language and Literature.

4- Department of Greek and Latin Studies.

5- Department of Oriental Languages and Literature:

     ● Islamic Nations and Literature Branch.

●Semitic Languages and Literature Branch.

6- Department of Sociology.

7- Department of Documents and Libraries and Information Science.

8- Department of History:

     ● Roman and Greek History Branch.

     ● Medieval Ages History Branch.

     ● Islamic History Branch.

     ● Modern and Contemporary History Branch.

9- Department of Geography.

10- Department of Philosophy.

     ● Ancient and Intermediate Philosophy Branch.

     ● Modern and Contemporary Philosophy Branch.

11- Department of Psychology.

12 –Department of Egyptology.

13 – Department of Islamic Archeology.

14- Department of Mass Communication.

Third: Doctor of Philosophy Degree:

General Requirements and Regulations:

  •  It is a prerequisite for the applicant to enroll for Ph.D. degree to have a master's degree in arts with no less than [Good] rank from one of the Egyptian universities or with an equivalent degree with no less than [Good] rank from any other academic institute accredited by The Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.
  • The committee of supervision or the supervisor professor is selected under the terms of The Universities Organization Law and its Executive Rule and other valid regulations in this respect.

3 –The Ph.D. candidate has to prepare a creative research in a topic that is accepted by the council of post- graduate studies and research in accordance with a prior authorization from both department council and faculty boardin no more than 2-year- interval since the approval of faculty board for his first enrollment.

4 – Enrollment for should not exceed 5 years. However, faculty board has the authority to grant the applicant a 2- year- extension only because of compulsive reasons that should be officially accredited and accepted via the supervisor's report and the department council's approval.

5- The examining committee is set up under the accredited legal terms of the Law of Universities Organization and its Executive Rule.

6- The Ph.D. viva should be set up in public.

7- The examining committee's official verdict should be submitted to the department council and committee of post- graduate studies and researchin the faculty and faculty boardconsecutively in order to be authorized. Then, it is proceeded to the council of university post-graduate studies and finally to the university board which confers the candidate the academic degree.

8- All data information including the basic major of the student, the topic of his thesis and the rank he has earned should be registered in the certificate of Ph.D.

9- A doctorate in Arts is awarded with one of the following ranks:

     ● Doctor of Philosophy in Arts with First- Class Honor.

● Doctor of Philosophy in Arts with Second-Class Honor.

● Doctor of Philosophy in Arts.

University board awards master's and Ph.D.'s degrees in the following majors:

1-Department of Arabic Language and Literature:

     ●Ancient Arabic Literature.

     ●Andalusian Literature.

     ●Modern Arabic Criticism.

     ●Classic Arabic Criticism.

     ●Modern Literary Criticism.

     ●Theories of Literature.


     ●Syntax and Morphology.

     ●Arabic Rhetoric.

     ●Comparative Literature.

2-Department of English Language and Literature:

[A]Literature Branch:

● Poetry.

            ● Drama.

● Novel.

            ● Literary Criticism.

            ● American Criticism (Poetry- Drama- Novel).

            ● Comparative Literature.

[B]Linguistics Branch:

            ● Theoretical Linguistics.

            ● Applied Linguistics.

            ● Socio Linguistics.

            ● Psycholinguistics.

            ● Syntax.

            ● Stylistics.

            ● Semantics.

3-Department of French Language and Literature:

            ● French Literature (Novel- Drama- Poetry).

            ● Linguistics.

            ● Civilization.

4-Department of Latin and Greek Studies:

            ● Greek Literature.

            ● Latin Literature.

            ● Papyrology and Glyptography.

            ● Greek or Latin Philology [Linguistics].

            ● Comparative Literature.

5-Department of Oriental Languages:

        [A]Branch of Islamic Nations and Literature:

            ● Persian Language.

            ● Classic Persian Literature (Poetry, Non-fiction, Prose).

            ● Persian Rhetoric.

            ● Modern Persian Literature (Poetry, Non-fiction, Short Story, Novel, Drama).

            ● Turkish Language.

            ● Ottoman Turkish Literature.

            ● Modern Turkish Literature.

            ● Urdu.

            ● Urdu Literature (Classic, Modern).

[B]Branch of Semitic Languages:

            ● Ancient Hebrew Language.

            ● Classic Hebrew Literature.

● Intermediate Hebrew Literature.

            ● Modern Hebrew Language.

            ● Modern Hebrew Literature (Poetry- Prose- Story- Drama- Novel).

            ● Syriac Language and Literature.

            ● Habashi Language Literature.

6-Department of Sociology.

     7-Department of Documents and Library and Information Science.

     8-Department of History:

Ancient History (Greek & Roman History).

        ● Islamic History.

        ●Medieval History.

        ● Modern and Contemporary History.

     9- Department of Geography:

        ● Natural Geography.

        ● Human Geography.

        ● Cartography.

     10- Department of Philosophy:

● Greek Philosophy.

        ● Medieval Western Philosophy.

        ● Contemporary and Modern Western Philosophy.

        ● Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism.

        ● Logic and Scientific Research Methodology.

        ● Philosophy of Values.

     11- Department of Psychology:

● Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Psychology.

     12- Department of Egyptology:

● Ancient History and Civilization of Egypt and Nearest East.

        ● Ancient Egyptian Language.

        ● Ancient Egyptian Antiquities.

     13- Department of Islamic Archaeology:

● Islamic Arts.

        ● Islamic Photography.

        ● Islamic Architecture.

     14- Department of Mass Communication:

Journalism Branch:

1- Management of Press Organizations.

            2 –Technology of Journalistic Art.

            3 – History of Journalism.

            4 –Journalistic Writing.

        ● Broadcasting Branch (Radio and Television):

1- Management of Broadcast Organizations.

            2 –Technology of Broadcasting Art.

            3 –Setting Up and Producing Programs and Directing.

            4 –Broadcasting Data Production.

        ● Department of Public Relations:

1- History of Public Relations.

   2 –Management of Public Relations.

   3 – Persuasive Campaigns.

   4 - Media Production.

The sector is presided over by Vice- Dean for Post-Graduate Studies and Research and Cultural Relations Affairs.

 The sector consists of the five following administrative offices:

  • Post-Graduate Studies.
  • Scientific Research.
  • Cultural Relations.
  • Magazine.
  • Library.


Goals of Post-Graduate Studies Sector:

The sector of Post-Graduate Studies and Research and Cultural Relations in the Faculty aims to achieve the following:

  1. Prepare professional academic cadres efficiently capable of pursuing academic research in faculty's versatile fields.
  2. Prepare researching cadres to get diploma's, master's and doctoral degrees.
  3. Burnish post-graduate students' proficiencies through foreign languages studyand enhancing their skills in using computers in order to meet job market requirements.
  4. Facilitate all procedures in doing scientific research in cooperation with local or foreign institutions.
  5. Correlate faculty staff members with external institutions and countries through delegating them on external missions aiming for academic collaboration with different scientific schools.
  6. Provide faculty staff members with all information data concerning conferences and various scientific symposium to encourage their participation either throughpresentations, or attendance or submitting papers.
  7. Secure some protocol programs for cooperation with foreign institutions and countries for staff members exchanges and conducting thereby mutual cooperate research and students and visits swapping as well.

Post-Graduate Studies Sector's Tasks and Activities:

  1. Develop all current programs via transferring all post-graduate studies programs into credit- hours programs.
  2. Create new specialized qualitative programs.
  3. Set up a full modified version of the post-graduate studies statute in preparation for conferring an authorization.
  4. Generate mutually collaborated scientific channels between faculty of Arts in Mansoura University and other foreign universities.
  5.  Motivate students and professors to receivetraining courses in foreign universities.
  6.  Activate the efficiency of electronic and internet role in accomplishing all sector's missions and in setting up an ease networking with post-graduate students, staff members, academic departments in the faculty and administration altogether.
  7. Develop the filing system and cabinet folders in the sector in order to make it more flexible and fast in fulfilling all the department tasks and missions.
  8. Ongoing staff skills development and performance in the aim for promoting efficiency level in both performance and department's services that are offered to all its habitué such as post-graduate students, staff members and others.
  9. Provide the library with most recent books and foreign and Arabic periodicals in all the specialized cultural and scientific fields of the faculty.
  10. Upgrade all the library holdings and its working system in order to provide an easy access for researchers to get whatsoever references and sources they need.
  11. Vice-Dean for Post- Graduate Studies and Research Affairs:

         1- Post-Graduate Studies Management.

         2- Cultural Relations Management.

         3- Management of Library Facility.

         4- Unit of Scientific Journal.

         5- Research and Post-Graduate Studies Committee.


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