research plane

research plan for the academic year 2017/2018 for the departments (Psychology - Arabic Language - Sociology - History - English Language) and distributing the amount allocated to the college from item 9/1 for research services and experiments with a capacity of (5815.8) pounds to eleven teaching assistants and assistant teachers in the indicated departments by (528.7) pounds, 0Approval of research plans for the academic year 2018/2019 for the departments (English Language - Documents and Libraries - Geography - Sociology - Oriental Language - Philosophy - Media - Psychology - Greek and Latin Studies) and the distribution of the amount allocated to the college from item 1/9 Research Services, Experiments and Capacity (31624.56 pounds) ) on the number of thirteen teaching assistants and assistant teachers in the departments indicated by (1500 pounds)Approval of research plans

research plans for the academic year 2021/2022 for the departments (Ancient Egyptian Antiquities - Oriental Languages ​​- French Language - Documents and Libraries - Greek and Latin Studies - Psychology) and distributing the amount allocated to the college from item 9/1 for research services and experiments and a capacity of (30183,705) to the number of three Ten teaching assistants and assistant teachers in the departments described (1500 pounds).Approval of research plans from the amount of the remaining flotation of item 1/9 Research services and experiments for the academic year 2021/2022 capacity (23395 pounds) for the documents and libraries departments - Islamic antiquities) on the number of two teaching assistants at a rate of (1500 pounds)

Approving research plans for the academic year 2022/2023 for the departments (Geography - Documents and Libraries - Sociology - History - Islamic Antiquities - Oriental Languages ​​- English Language - Ancient Egyptian Antiquities - French Language - Arabic Language - Philosophy - Greek Studies) and distributing the amount allocated to the college from item 9 1/ Research and experiments services and the capacity of (35,400 pounds) for the number of seventeen teaching assistants and assistant teachers in the departments described at (2000 pounds) 

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